Drosophila melanogaster: responses of AL neuron subpopulations to odors at different concentrations

The following movies show odor responses of three distinct populations of local neurons, and of sensory neurons and projection neurons in Drosophila melanogaster measured in the antennal lobes. Neurons were labeled with the calcium sensor G-CaMP using the Gal4:UAS expression system. Movies show responses to three odors (isopentyl acetate, 1-butanol and propionic acid) over a concentration range covering 5 log units (10-7 to 10-2). This gives a total of 75 movies (3 odors, 5 concentrations, 5 fly lines). For clarity, we offer two pages: one is sorted by odor (three blocks of movies with the five lines each), the other is sorted by line (five blocks of movies with three odors each).

Go to the page with movies sorted by odors.

Go to the page with movies sorted by lines.

Data are published in:

Silbering AF, Okada R, Ito K, Galizia CG (2008).
Olfactory information processing in the Drosophila antennal lobe: anything goes?
J. Neurosci. 28:13075-13087.